Your lawyers since 1722

7 assets
1,853 m2 total floor area
62.17 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions

TB+A is a socially responsible and ethical partnership providing whole-life advice for design, construction, operation and management services and roadmaps for clients to decarbonise the built environment. ‘Sustainability at Heart’, one of their core pillars, is dedicated to reversing climate change and resource consumption thereby protecting the environment.


Member of UK Green Building Council

248 employees

Joined in 2020, Signatory of WLC Commitment

1. Commit

Commit to only occupying net zero carbon operational assets by 2025, major renovations under our direct control to measure, minimise and compensate for embodied carbon emissions by 2030.

2. Disclose

Measure and disclose energy consumption and whole life carbon emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) via publicly available annual reporting.

3. Act

Engage with landlords, tenants, and supply chain to incorporate energy efficiency measures and 100% renewable energy solutions where possible. Whole life assessments will be undertaken for major renovation projects. Continue to implement a carbon-reduction strategy aligned with the Commitment and SBT’s.

4. Verify

Verify annual energy consumption and whole life carbon emissions data via independent third party verification.

5. Advocate

Advocate for industry transformation by engaging with leaders, project teams, and stakeholders to show leadership in decarbonisation of operations and designs using the UNSDG’s and collaboration with others to showcase best practice.

Commitment Partner Initiatives

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