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Our mission

Our vision is resilient and decarbonised buildings for a healthy planet and a better future for all.  

At the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) our role is to help property and construction markets around the planet to develop equitable, sustainable and resilient buildings, cities and communities. 

That means building the right policy environments, the right financing environments and the right social and cultural environments to deliver more sustainable and healthy built environments. 

Alongside our network of Green Building Councils (GBCs) and partners, we are uniquely placed to drive ambition and collaboration among governments, businesses, and communities. Together, we align goals at a global level, facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing at the regional level, and deliver action at a national level.  

Our network includes over 75 GBCs, their 48,000 private sector members, and over 70 other partner organisations collaborating and implementing solutions in countries across the globe. Through this reach, we cover over 60% of global building stock, 65% of global GDP, and 60% of global urban population. 

Together, we’re building the momentum to create a better future for all. 


Our Impact Areas


The World Green Building Council network is working to transform the building and construction sector across the following impact areas: Climate action; Resources and circularity; Health, equity and resilience; Sustainable finance and ESG 

 But the deep green transformation of the sector will always need to be holistic and put people at its centre.  

 Read our 2025–2027 strategic plan for our vision of future sustainable built environments. 

Climate Action

Guiding goal: Total decarbonisation of the built environment 

 Highly energy-efficient and grid-responsive buildings that are powered by electricity and/or renewable energy, and fully decarbonised by addressing whole life cycle carbon emissions. 

2030 goals: 

  • Energy intensity to fall by 35% 
  • Operational emissions to fall by 50% 
  • Embodied carbon to fall by 40% 
  • All new buildings to be zero emissions


Find out more here.

Health, equity and resilience

Guiding goal: Healthy, equitable and resilient buildings, cities and communities 

Buildings that focus on occupant safety, indoor environmental quality and health, as well as mitigating the effects of climate change. 

2030 goals: 

  • Substantial improvement in public health and wellbeing 
  • Reduction of air, soil and water pollution and implementation of health-based urban planning

Find out more here

Resources and Circularity

Guiding goal: Regeneration of natural systems and thriving circular economy. 

 Existing buildings are updated and new buildings optimise resource use and employ strategies for nature restoration. 

 2030 goals: 

  • Sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources  
  • Zero waste to landfill and working towards a built environment with net zero whole life resource depletion 

 Find out more here

Sustainable finance and ESG

Buildings are managed by forward-thinking entities that invest in renewable energy and compensate for emissions with carbon removal activities. 

Find out more here

Our story

In 1993, the first Green Building Council was founded – and a global movement was born.

The US Green Building Council (USGBC) was formed by Rick Fedrizzi, David Gottfried (previous CEO), and Mike Italiano, with a mission to promote sustainability-focused practices in the building and construction industry, and for the first time, bring together all actors across the built environment value chain to advance green building.

Around the world, other green leaders in the industry looked to the impact of the USGBC and decided that they too needed to start a similar movement in their own country, led by a Green Building Council.

The green building movement began generating more and more interest around the world, and individuals from across the globe were supported by the USGBC.

With this growing global interest, David Gottfried seeded and managed the formation of the “United Nations of the Green Building Councils” with the mission of supporting the development of Green Building Councils around the world, uniting them with a common voice and purpose.

And so began the World Green Building Council.

In 1999, the founding meeting of WorldGBC was held in California, US.

Three years later in 2002, WorldGBC was officially formed with Green Building Councils: Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, Spain, and US.

In 2007, a Secretariat for WorldGBC was formally established in Toronto, Canada, and vital support was provided by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Essential start-up funding of over $1 million dollars per year for 3 years was provided by the Province of Ontario Canada.

Since then, WorldGBC has seen tremendous growth and evolution in its focus and structure.

In 2009, WorldGBC launched five Regional Networks and three Green Building Council membership levels (Prospective, Emerging and Established) to facilitate the growing interest in membership globally.

In 2010 a Corporate Advisory Board was formed to deliver strategic insight directly from the industry to the WorldGBC Board. And by 2012, the number of member Green Building Councils had grown from 9 to 71.

In 2015, the WorldGBC Board agreed a three year strategy for the organisation with five key areas of focus: Membership; Regional Networks; Projects and Partnerships; Marketing, Communications and Influence; and Governance and Operations.

The WorldGBC began to play a more globally influential role by producing highly respected reports such as From Thousands to Billions – Coordinated Action Towards 100% Net Zero Carbon Buildings by 2050 in 2017 and Doing Right by Planet and People: The Business Case for Health and Wellbeing in Green Building in 2018.

In 2020, the WorldGBC launched a two year strategy, Sustainable Buildings for Everyone, Everywhere — to tackle the climate emergency, health and wellbeing, and resource efficiency issues in the built environment.

Since its formation, WorldGBC has grown into a global network of over 70 Green Building Councils around the world.


Founder: David Gottfried

Founding Chair: Che Wall

Previous Chairs: Che Wall; Kevin Hydes; Tony Arnel; Rick Fedrizzi; Bruce Kerswill; Tai Lee Siang; Lisa Bate; Tanya Cox

Current Chair: Ilari Aho

Previous CEOs: Andrew Bowerbank; Jane Henley; Terri Wills

Current CEO: Cristina Gamboa