Our global network is proud to welcome Green Building Japan (GBJ), which has joined the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) as an Affiliate Partner.
Green Building Japan (GBJ) was established in 2013 with the ambition to establish an open forum for connecting people who are interested in promoting a sustainable built environment in Japan. GBJ has closely worked with U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to promote LEED, SITES and Arc in the country since its establishment, and their activities have been supported by over 70 corporate and 150 individual members throughout Japan.
Dominika Czerwinska, Director of Engagement and Networks, WorldGBC, said:
“We are delighted and proud to welcome GBJ to our network and to have the opportunity to share and advance solutions and ideas from such an important market in the Asia Pacific region.
“We are greatly looking forward to working with GBJ and their members and continuing our collective journey to creating a sustainable built environment around the world.”
Yasushi Kinoshita, Co-Chairperson, GBJ, said:
“We feel proud to be a part of the global network of WorldGBC. While GBJ is not an organisation representing the Japanese local green building certification system, we are committed and striving to make the Japanese built environment greener and more sustainable, and proud to be influential as our corporate members are representing significant shares of built environment sustainability related businesses in Japan. All GBJ members are thrilled to work with WorldGBC so that we can learn best practices of other GBCs around the world.”
Noriko Nagazumi, Co-Chairperson, GBJ, said:
“Also, as one of the largest economies in the world, we strongly believe that Japan needs to be more proactive in sharing our national efforts for climate change to lead the global movements. We sincerely hope our joining WorldGBC will connect Japanese efforts and those of the rest of the world.”
About Green Building Japan
Green Building Japan (GBJ) was established in 2013 with the ambition to establish an open forum for connecting people interested in promoting a sustainable built environment in Japan. GBJ has closely worked with USGBC to promote LEED, SITES, and Arc in Japan since its establishment. GBJ’s activities have been supported by over 70 corporate and 150 individual members throughout Japan.