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Promote development and adoption of carbon emissions target, roadmap and policies in support of Net Zero.

Readiness Goal 1.1: Existence of a developed national emissions target and defined the building sector’s role in delivering that target

Intent: To establish a clear national decarbonisation target. To achieve net zero through long term strategies, clear communication and international collaboration. 

Indicator 1.1.1: Existence of a climate action plan containing national circumstances, national greenhouse gas inventory information and policy & measures covering possible mitigation and adaptation options. (In alignment with UNFCCC parties’ requirement to submit National Communication, NC, and Biennial Update Report, BUR)

Indicator 1.1.2: Elaboration of climate action plan with mitigation contribution and adaptation actions and long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LT-LEDS) (In alignment with UNFCCC parties’ requirement to submit Nationally Determined Contributions)

Indicator 1.1.3: Communicate gaps and needs to achieve carbon emissions reduction, preferably to stay within a 1.5 degrees trajectory. Provide timeline for realisation of mitigation and adaptation strategies within the climate action plan.

Readiness Goal 1.2: Develop and communicate publicly a national built environment decarbonisation roadmap

Intent: To establish a clear built environment decarbonisation target, foster collaboration amongst stakeholders and align decarbonisation efforts within the government.  

Indicator 1.2.1: Extract from the national climate action plan (RG1.1) the decarbonisation target for the built environment.

Indicator 1.2.2: Work with stakeholders such as GBCs, building owners, suppliers and builders to assess and modify targets, if required, to stay within the 1.5 degrees trajectory.   

Indicator 1.2.3: Subnational governments participating in The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment through ‘commit, disclose, act, verify and advocate’. 

Indicator 1.2.4: Publish built environment decarbonisation strategies, action plan and implementation timeline. 

Readiness Goal 1.3: Delivery of the national emissions roadmap through implementation of mandatory regulations and/or performance requirements in support of achieving net zero

Intent: Provide baseline for carbon performance. Establish common and understandable standards for measurement and verification of carbon performance. Encourage innovation and excellence. 

Indicator 1.3.1: Existence of energy code(s) mandating minimum environmental impact performance. 

Indicator 1.3.2: Existence of carbon measurement standards and disclosure platform with intent for future mandatory disclosure of carbon performance. (complements R.G 2.6)

Indicator 1.3.3: Existence of certification for achieving net zero with performance-based verification. (complements R.G 2.7) 

Indicator 1.3.4: Provide incentives for prioritising reuse and refurbishment of existing assets. Mandate new developments to provide high social value, embed resilience and minimise whole-life carbon.

Indicator 1.3.5: Implement policies that support and encourage construction material embodied carbon reduction. For example,  adoption of CO₂ mineralized concrete.

Readiness Goal 1.4: Develop and communicate publicly the grid decarbonisation plan. Take action as soon as possible and progressively improve towards providing readily available clean energy options for the built environment

Intent: Encourage exploration of all renewable energy sources. Prepare infrastructure for a decarbonised grid. Recognise gaps and work towards a net zero grid. 

Indicator 1.4.1: Conduct pre-feasibility studies on renewable energy sources. Where applicable, identify and monitor technology gaps needed for implementation. For feasible sources, conduct further investigation with the aim of stating targets and deployment.  

Indicator 1.4.2: Expand and upgrade grid infrastructure to accommodate varied sources of renewable energy and/or distributed generation. (Complements R.G 2.5)

Indicator 1.4.3: Holistically examine energy mix and publish energy generation’s residual emissions. 

Indicator 1.4.4: Implement policies and strategies that compensate for residual emissions. For example, investment in the development and advancement of carbon capture utilisation and storage technologies.


Readiness Goal 1.5: Develop and implement policies that promotes availability and access to carbon markets

Intent: Promote the use of carbon market to reduce industrial GHG emissions cost effectively. 

Indicator 1.5.1: Existence of roadmaps and action plans that supports the design and implementation of carbon emissions trading system. The roadmap should include technical, policy, institutional and legal considerations for carbon market implementation.  

Indicator 1.5.2: Based on the national emissions target (R.G 1.1), assess mitigation potential and policy instruments for carbon markets. 

Indicator 1.5.3: Conduct feasibility studies and explore choices of market based approaches. (e.g. carbon credit allocation or auction).

Indicator 1.5.4: Existence of carbon market technical paper with information such as industry coverage, emissions target, reference year emissions, monitoring, reporting & verification (MRV) methodology, registry and transaction logging systems.

Indicator 1.5.5: Implement policies and establish organisations that support emissions data collection, market oversight, trading regulation performance verification and potential revenue usage. 

Indicator: 1.5.6: Promote international partnership through working with private (e.g. ICAP, TSVCM) and public organisations (e.g. EU-ETS)

Regional Partners


Asia Pacific Network Net Zero Collaborators

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