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Building/Project Details

Building/Project Typeresidential multi unit Address Rue d’Auvergne and Rue Maurice Suard, Angers, France Region europe

Performance Details

Health and Wellbeing

Existing buildings or developments that demonstrate outstanding performance in improving the health, equity and/or resilience of people in local communities.

Tell us your story

The EnergieSprong approach has a strong focus on satisfaction and comfort of the inhabitants. The objective of the project’s approach is to drastically reduce costs through mass production and industrialisation of processes, developing a more mature market and multiplying the operations to achieve economies of scale. The replicability of this project contributes to improving the affordability of high-performance renovation projects. 

Habitability and Comfort 

  • Integration of recurring comfort challenges is allowed by a diagnosis and by consulting the occupants at the beginning of the project. 
  • Thermal comfort all year round with a temperature of 21°C, not exceeding 25°C for more than 10% of the year. 
  • Guaranteed indoor air quality and ventilation for occupants, with measurements of three indicators: air renewal rate, maximum residual air velocity in living rooms, maximum ventilation noise in living rooms. 
  • Occupants are supported in managing the energy performance of their homes and in understanding the associated benefits to their comfort and health. 

Community and Connectivity 

  • Occupants were involved throughout the renovation project and integrated into the upstream decision-making processes. 
  • Prior to the renovation, the Alisée association carried out a socio-technical diagnosis of the houses. Post renovation, a collective energy efficiency workshop was held, as well as physical and remote interviews for the first year and first three years, respectively, to provide specific support for long-term and new occupiers. 
  • The project provided occupants with an increased sense of belonging and equality within the community by: allowing residents to be responsible for their energy consumption, training occupant ambassadors to act as referents for their neighbours and promoting the benefits of the renovations to all, with particular attention to the quality of the relationship between the landlord and the tenants. 

Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change 

  • Off-site prefabrication of the façade components allows for adaptability, enabling the renovated buildings to be integrated into their neighbourhood. 
  • Resilience and adaptability are at the heart of the renovation project respecting the constraints of the EnergieSprong approach. 
  • The E=0 level, balance between production and consumption of the building, has been achieved as a result of the renovations and is guaranteed for 30 years, with the assurance of comfort to cope with climatic variations, limiting the impact of heat waves in particular. 

Resource Efficiency and Circularity 

  • Due to the off-site prefabrication and the industrialisation of processes, the waste generated during the renovation project has been greatly reduced. 
  • The choice of a biobased insulation material reduces the overall impact of the façades on the environment. 

Economic Accessibility 

  • Allow for long-term savings and a shield against energy price increases, with 32% reduction in occupants’ annual expenses. 
  • Most of the cost of the renovation was financed by the homeowners and landlords. 
  • Public aid and subsidies were made available. Fundings were provided through the Energy Savings Certificates (ESC) and valuation through an Energy Performance Contract (EPC), for an amount of approximately $10,600 USD per dwelling, as well as various additional regional and national grants. 


ISO 50001 

More information: renovation-32-logements-individuels-angers/ energiesprong-une-demarche-vertueuse-qui-vise-le-niveau-energie-zero-pour-les-logements-en-renovation/ 

Submitter's Details

OrganisationPartners: EnergieSprong France(facilitator), Podeliha (housing association), Alterea, Pouget Consultants, Bouygues and Johanne San