RAC Engenharia’s headquarters in Bacacheri was the first corporate building in Brazil to be self-sufficient in water and energy. This means that all electricity consumed is generated in the building, wastewater used and rainwater turned into potable water. The venture has earned a LEED Platinum certification of 97 points – the highest score in Latin America. One work also received the 4th Saint-Gobain Architecture Award – Sustainable Habitat.
All electrical energy used in the building, including elevators and other equipment, is generated by photovoltaic panels. Annually, 26,509 kW are generated. Measures have also been taken to reduce the building’s energy consumption, such as the use of natural light, LED light bulbs and the installation of photometric and presence sensors, as well as super-efficient air conditioning that acts according to the actual load. thermal power required at any given time. These measures result in a 46% reduction in consumption compared to that of an ordinary building.
To reach Net Zero water, the new headquarters has the collection, treatment and transformation of effluents in the building. Therefore, the project has its own sewage treatment plant. This treatment is carried out in two phases, the first of which is the decomposition of organic matter. The second occurs when water is naturally filtered through anaerobic reactors, wetlands, and filter gardens that use floating or emerging plants to assemble an artesian well that completes the disinfection process. The water resulting from the treatment will be reused in the toilets. A 5,000-liter reservoir captures rainwater on the roof of the building. This water also undergoes a treatment that turns it into drinking water, which is used in taps and showers.
Another sustainable measure of the building is the incentive to use public or alternative transportation. The project has a solar-powered electric car charging station, and a bike rack and locker room for staff use. The company also encourages actions such as the solidarity ride, providing special parking spaces for those who practice it.