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Here you will find all information required for participating in the reporting process for the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment.

The form has been developed in collaboration with the Commitment Taskforce, Technical Working Group and through consultation with current signatories. The Reporting Form collects information on the progress made by signatories against the requirements of the Commitment. The Reporting Form is intended to detail the leadership and ambition being undertaken to meet Commitment goals. In the long term, we will look to continually improve the form to respond to signatory needs and refine alignment with internationally recognised reporting initiatives.

Who Needs to Report?

All signatories are required to annually report two years after signing up. Signatories are very welcome to report earlier if they wish. The more signatories, the more accurate our data.

Signatories who joined in 2018, 2019 and 2020: Mandatory reporting is required. You will have received individualised reporting forms with your baseline year emission data pre-populated.

Signatories who joined in 2021 onwards: Voluntary reporting is encouraged and welcomed. 

The 2022 reporting cycle is now closed. Thanks reporting signatories for submission!

How Do I Report?

Please fill out the relevant sections of the reporting form. See the ‘0. About’ tab in the reporting form for more details. Submit back to WorldGBC via email by the end of the reporting period as stated below. 

The Reporting Form contains notes of guidance for completion, and a walkthrough video is available below to help you navigate the Reporting Form.


What Needs to be Reported?

Signatories’ requirements on completing the tabs vary, depending on the year they joined the Commitment and the progress made to date. Please see the below table for the completion requirements:

1 Joined in 2018 & 2019 2 Joined in 2020 3 Joined in 2021 onwards

Commitment Stage

Develop, maintain and update Decarbonisation Roadmap and Implementation Plan

Undertake first verification at asset and portfolio level (year after baseline disclosure), then annually verify and publicly report progress at asset and portfolio level

Complete all tabs:

  1. Entity and Submitter Details
  2. Commit
  3. Disclose
  4. Act
  5. Verify
  6. Advocate
  7. EP100 (only if the signatory is a EP100 member)

Commitment Stage

Disclose baseline (2 years after sign-up)

Complete the following tabs:

  1. Entity and Submitter Details
  2. Commit
  3. Disclose

Signatories are encouraged to voluntarily complete all other sections where possible.

Commitment Stage

Joined the Commitment

No mandatory requirements; signatories are encouraged and welcomed to voluntarily complete the reporting form where possible.

Notes in Completing the Reporting Form

The Reporting Form has been divided into six tabs to make the document easier to complete. Each tab represents the section requirement under the Commitment. It contains a mix of both quantitative and qualitative style questions. It has been separated into administrative questions and then questions related to the specific Commitment requirements including commit, disclose, act, verify and advocate.

As the Commitment has been updated to account for embodied carbon emissions as part of the whole life carbon approach to sustainable buildings, we are adding beta questions about how signatories address the whole life carbon of buildings. Signatories are invited to respond if they have the information, but they are not mandatorily required to report on beta questions. While we are seeking to develop these beta questions over the coming years, we welcome your feedback on how this data is collected, allowing us to improve and develop the reporting process over time.

Please see the following notes that helps you with filling in the data at each tab:

1 Entity Details 2 Commit 3 Disclose 4 Act 5 Verify 6 Advocate 7 EP100
  • To fill in the contact details of entity representatives and to acknowledge the data disclosure
  • For checkbox about GRESB participation: although WorldGBC works collaboratively with GRESB, if your building portfolio data is not fully covered in GRESB assessment, you still need to fill out this Commitment reporting form, including the ‘Disclose’ tab. The data can be estimated figures
  • We noticed a bug about locked checkboxes in the acknowledgement. We can fix that by sending you an updated version, or you can approach us for bug fixes on the same file that you are working on
  • If this is your first year of mandatory reporting, the cells about baseline year data has no value and been locked
    • Please fill in the latest reporting period data at ‘This Reporting Period’
    • We will treat the current year data as your baseline year, and the data will be handled at the backend
    • If you have already internally established your baseline year, and would like to input both the baseline year and current reporting period data in this reporting form, please contact us to unlock the cells
  • If this is your second or third year of mandatory reporting, the cells about baseline year data are pre-populated
    • Pre-populated data is based on your previous years of submission
    • You can cross check your baseline year data, and contact us separately if you feel the baseline year data is incorrect
  • The same principle of pre-populating baseline year data applies
  • We acknowledged a bug about autofill in current year intensity. This won’t affect your input, you can contact us after your submission if needed
  • For Scope 1 & 2 emissions figures: please fill in with only building operational energy-related emissions. Please exclude offsets in the figures, as the offset amount is to be reported separately at the “Offset” column
  • Please be reminded to answer the questions of whether the scope emission figures include refrigerant emissions
  • New beta questions about embodied carbon & life cycle assessments (LCA)
    • Applicable to signatories signed up or transitioned to the updated version of Commitment
    • We encourage signatories to take early actions to formulate their calculations in embodied carbon emissions at their new development projects and major renovations, so that they can better and fully prepare themselves for maximising reductions and compensating for residual emissions to meet the Commitment in 2030 onwards
    • If there are any projects where their point of completion is within the reporting period, please report their LCA here
    • For embodied carbon emissions data, this refers to reporting A1-A5 from the LCA
    • If you have done LCA on any projects, submit the LCA sheet as separate attachments when returning your reporting form
  • To show your decarbonisation roadmap to us, in terms of the targets and milestones that have been set, and the progress that you have made towards achieving them, we would like you to break down the decarbonisation roadmap into several action types that we have set out
  • We have added a new action type – ‘maximising reduction of embodied carbon’, for signatories to demonstrate how they plan to address embodied carbon emissions
  • The second section is for signatories to show what actions they have taken in terms of implementing their decarbonisation roadmap. When reporting, please determine whether your actions are at asset or portfolio level
  • To report the third-party certification / verification that you have undertaken
  • If you opt to verify via SME Self-assessment verification pathway, please expect that:
    • A self-declaration form will be sent to you to complete for interim acknowledgement of reporting data
    • Please also be reminded that under the pathway, SME signatories still have to carry out third-party verification every 3 years
    • To opt for the pathway, please raise it to us when submitting your reporting form
  • To demonstrate how you go beyond the immediate scope of the Commitment to influence your supply chain in decarbonisation
  • New beta questions: your advocacy initiatives on addressing embodied carbon and whole life carbon of buildings
    • These are qualitative questions and applicable to signatories signed up or transitioned to the updated version of Commitment
  • Only signatories who are also an EP100 member will need to fill in
  • You can check with us if you are not sure about your status of EP100 membership

WorldGBC, of course, encourages any signatory who would like to report progress against the other requirements of the Commitment this year to do as such. This information will be very useful for us to help:

  • provide success stories that can be shared through impact reporting
  • demonstrate industry insights
  • future trends to consider and increase ambition
  • refine and update our reporting form and processes

When Do I Need to Report by?

Reporting periods run annually in Q3, to align with reporting cycles for other complementary initiatives. Exacts dates will be provided well in advance.

For 2022 Commitment Reporting, the reporting dates are 21 July 2022 – 5 October 2022. All Reporting Forms must be received by COB Wednesday 5 October 2022.

Where to Seek Assistance?

For any queries or assistance regarding the reporting process or Reporting Form, please contact

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