October 12, 2023
9:00 am
10:00 am
In our second Sustainable Finance webinar of 2023 on 12 October, 9AM BST, World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) and the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) have partnered to discuss how we can help align national efforts to comply with the EU Taxonomy — a major piece of EU legislation defining climate-friendly activities.
During the event, we will explore the key challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the EU Taxonomy and shed light on the national requirements needed to comply with it.
We will also present and discuss the results of the partnership. This includes a catalogue of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) requirements in the EU Taxonomy, plus three factsheets we have produced which focus on:
– Nearly zero energy building (NZEB) definitions
– Definition of a “major renovation”
– National Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) methodologies.
World Green Building Council