Sub theme: Social Resilience
Espon. 2020: ENSURE – European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration (Final Report). ENSURE – EuropeaN Sustainable Urbanisation through port city REgeneration | ESPON
Espon (2020) The Good Practice Framework for European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration. An operative guide. ENSURE – EuropeaN Sustainable Urbanisation through port city REgeneration | ESPON
Sub theme: Economic Resilience
Dixon, Scura, Carpenter and Sherman: Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts, (World Bank and ADB 1993). (Carpenter and Sherman, 1993, #)
Espon (2020): ENSURE – EuropeaN Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration (Final Report) (ENSURE – EuropeaN Sustainable Urbanisation through port city REgeneration | ESPON)
Foster, K.A. 2007. A Case Study Approach to Understanding Regional Resilience.
Larsen, B. 2011. Cost Assessment of Environmental Degradation in the MENA region.
The ADB. 2017. Guidelines for the economic analysis of projects
World Bank and ADB. 1994 .Dixon, Scura, Carpenter and Sherman: Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts.
Carpenter and Sherman. (1993). Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts. World Bank and ADB.
ESPON. (2020, January 31). European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration. Ensure.
ESPON. (2020, January 31). The Good Practice Framework for European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration. An operative guide. Ensure.
Foster, K. A. (2007). A Case Study Approach to Understanding Regional Resilience.
Larsen, B. (2011). Cost Assessment of Environmental Degradation in the MENA region.
The ADB. (2017). Guidelines for the economic analysis of projects.
Sub theme: Education
OECD. 2007. Human Capital: How what you know shapes your life. OECD Insights. ISBN: 9789264029088.
OCED. (2007). Human Capital: How what you know shapes your life. OECD Insights.