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Nominated by German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

Johannes is the co-initiator and founding member of the German Sustainable Building Coucil (DGNB), and has also been DGNB’s Chief Executive Officer since 2018.

In 1993 he received a Master in Mechanical Engineering from Stuttgart University. Johannes is member of the German standardization delegation in CEN TC 350 (sustainability of construction woks), secretary of the advisory board of the German EPD program (IBU) and member of the SETAC LCA steering committee. With PE INTERNATIONAL Johannes was initiator and founding member of the DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council), today he is member of the board and Executive Director of the DGNB. In addition Johannes Kreissig is a member of the International Board of the DGNB and was a previous member of WordlGBC’s Board of Directors from 2010 – 2016.

Johannes Kreißig joined the WorldGBC Board of Directors in 2020 and he has been nominated by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

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