Your lawyers since 1722

576 assets
569,482 m2 total floor area

Assura are a listed UK real estate investment trust (REIT) specialising in the development, investment and management of primary care, diagnostic and treatment buildings. They want to make a real difference through the spaces they create and manage – for everyone who uses them, and for the communities they serve.


Member of UK Green Building Council

72 employees

Joined in 2020

1. Commit

Commit to only owning, occupying and developing assets that are net zero carbon in operation by 2030.

2. Disclose

Disclose asset level energy consumption and operating scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions. These will be included as performance metrics in the annual report and shared with relevant tenants.

3. Act

Develop, maintain and update an implementation plan for achieving Commitment requirements in line with WorldGBC’s Advancing Net Zero project including energy efficiency measures, on-site and off-site renewable generation. Energy procurement for the current portfolio will be net zero by 2026, with all new developments operating at net zero carbon by 2030.

4. Verify

Report, disclose and verify annually the progress of each asset and the portfolio towards achieving the outcomes through locally relevant third-party certification, third-party assurance or market mechanisms.

5. Advocate

Advocate, as the leading Healthcare REIT in the UK, on the benefits of operating a net zero carbon portfolio to tenants, supply chain and building users

Commitment Partner Initiatives

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