Your lawyers since 1722

66 assets
33,848 m2 total floor area
430.96 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions (market-based emissions)

Build approximately 10% of all London’s new homes – over 3,800 homes in London and the south of England in 2018 and a total of almost 20,000 since 2013. Over 60 live construction sites and 30 future sites including new operations in Birmingham. Became carbon positive for own operations in 2018.

‘Berkeley Group builds homes and neighbourhoods across London, Birmingham and the South of England. They built over 4,600 homes last year, and more than 19,600 homes in the last 5 years. They have been carbon neutral for our direct operations with since 2018.

Member of UK Green Building Council

2,689 employees

Joined in 2018

1. Commit

Committed to building all new homes to operate at net zero carbon by 2030.

2. Disclose

Disclose Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions across all operations via company annual report and performance reporting.

3. Act

Implement energy efficiency measures and renewable energy procurement. Aim to have an internal carbon fee to drive long-term change.

4. Verify

Annual carbon reporting is externally assured. Head office is BREEAM Excellent rated, all new commercial projects built to BREEAM Very Good or above, and 91% of homes completed in 2018 had an EPC rating of B or higher

5. Advocate

Futureproofing developments through a transition plan to be net zero carbon by 2030. Working to educate consumers through the provision of details on the sustainability features incorporated into homes and developments.

Further information

Berkeley Group's Annual Report

Commitment Partner Initiatives

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