Your lawyers since 1722

9 assets
69,304 m2 total floor area
1,338.2 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions

Brunswick Property Partners are a London focused, private real estate investment company driven by a desire to deliver financial success for investors without compromising the environment and communities where they invest. They identify thematic real estate strategies, capturing structural growth in progressive trends, and invest in properties with exciting prospects and the potential to create long-term real value. Brunswick’s occupiers are more than just tenants, together they strive to create experiential places that stand out from the crowd, have low carbon impact and are healthy and happy environments.


10 employees

Joined in 2020, Signatory of WLC Commitment

1. Commit

Commit to minimise embodied carbon emissions and operational energy consumption, achieving net zero upfront carbon for all major development projects and net zero carbon in operation for areas of direct control by 2030.

2. Disclose

Measure and publicly disclose energy consumption and scopes 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions annually through ESG reporting. Measure and disclose the whole life carbon of all construction activities.

3. Act

Develop a decarbonisation roadmap including minimum targets for all development projects covering upfront embodied carbon, whole life embodied carbon and operational energy intensity. Implement refurbishment works for existing assets focused on fabric improvements, elimination of gas heating systems and the installation of onsite renewable energy generation.

4. Verify

Verify energy performance and emissions data via an independent third party to ISO14064-3 standard.

5. Advocate

Engage with tenants to implement carbon saving initiatives and introduce green lease provisions to support energy efficiency. Reduce scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in line with a science-based reduction target. Advocate for wider industry change, using the net zero roadmap to innovate and share learning with the wider market.

Commitment Partner Initiatives

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