Your lawyers since 1722

16 assets
20,009 m2 total floor area
349 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions

Buro Happold is a world-class global practice of engineers, consultants and advisers committed to placing sustainability and net zero at the heart of its mission and values. Through integrated thinking and a truly interdisciplinary, interconnected community of passionate experts, they create transformative outcomes for clients and communities alike.


Member of Emirates, Germany, UK, US Green Building Councils

2,088 employees

Joined in 2019, Signatory of WLC Commitment

1. Commit

For assets under direct control, commit to reduce (and compensate where necessary) all operational carbon, and embodied carbon from major renovations and new developments, by 2030. Reduce absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 21% by 2025 from a 2020 base year in line with the Science Based Targets initiative.

2. Disclose

Measure and publicly disclose and assess annual asset and portfolio energy demand and carbon emissions, and any embodied carbon from major renovations and new developments. Disclose energy use intensity (EUI), renewable energy contribution (on-site and off-site) and contribution from offsets. Publish through annual Global Sustainability Report or equivalent.

3. Act

Develop and implement a bespoke decarbonisation roadmap including key actions and milestones, reflecting portfolio activities under direct control, that are technically feasible, economically viable, substantive and verifiable. Scope to include embodied carbon, energy efficiency, fuel switching, renewable energy generation / supply and offsetting using recognised market mechanisms.

4. Verify

Verify and report energy performance and carbon emissions in assets and portfolio via an independent third party or market mechanisms at asset level. Provide verified data to demonstrate impact of advocacy actions including progress towards stated targets on operational and embodied carbon of client projects, to be published in Global Sustainability Report.

5. Advocate

Work towards Buro Happold’s target for all new build design projects to be net zero carbon in operation by 2030 and a 50% reduction in embodied carbon intensity for all new build, major refurbishment and infrastructure projects by 2030. Track the impact through in-house Building Performance Dashboard and advocate more widely through WorldGBC and UKGBC.

Further information

Decarbonising our projects
Decarbonising our own operations

Commitment Partner Initiatives

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