Your lawyers since 1722

13 assets
705,480 m2 total floor area
3,119.01 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions

Cbus Property is the property investment and development arm of CBUS, the national superannuation fund for the building, construction and allied industries. Cbus Property understands that sustainability has become a “core value” and drives innovative sustainability outcomes across all buildings.


Member of Australia Green Building Council

69 employees

Joined in 2018

1. Commit

Commit to buildings owned, managed and developed operating at net zero carbon by 2030.

2. Disclose

Disclose scope 1 & 2 energy consumption and emissions data on an annual basis through third party assured annual reporting.

3. Act

Maximise on site energy generation and storage across all buildings. Source remaining requirements from off-site renewable energy sources. Increase NABERS energy targets to 5.5 stars for all new and existing buildings. Install smart energy management monitoring through the Envizi data management platform.

4. Verify

Verify via third party certification such as NABERS and Green Star and by independent third party assurance.

5. Advocate

Promote the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment and pathways to achieving these goals to stakeholders including tenants, Cbus members and the wider development and construction industry.

Further information

2023 Sustainability Report

Commitment Partner Initiatives

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