Your lawyers since 1722

107 assets
3.3m m2 total floor area
14,000 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions

The GPT Group is a diversified property group that owns, develops and manages a high quality portfolio of office, retail and logistics assets. ESG leadership is a core strategy pillar of the GPT Group and a carbon neutral climate response is a central commitment. Their sustainability vision is to be carbon neutral now, nature positive next.


Member of Australia Green Building Council

500 employees

Joined in 2019, Signatory of WLC Commitment

1. Commit

GPT is committed to achieving carbon neutral operations for all its managed assets by 2024 and upfront embodied carbon neutral property developments where GPT has control, from 2023 onwards. The Group’s commitment includes GPT balance sheet, GPT Wholesale Office Fund and GPT Wholesale Shopping Centre Fund assets.

2. Disclose

GPT will release a Climate Disclosure Statement in alignment with TCFD as well as measure and publicly report its energy consumption, operational emissions, upfront embodied carbon emissions for developments and offsets used to compensate for residual emissions.

3. Act

GPT’s Energy Master Plan and Embodied Carbon Strategy are both premised on first reducing and eliminating emissions through efficiencies, replacement with lower emitting processes and products and use of renewable energy sources. These strategies are being implemented across the portfolio.

4. Verify

GPT will seek independent certification for the delivery of carbon neutral buildings and upfront embodied carbon neutral developments. GPT works with the Green Building Council of Australia, NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System) and Climate Active to certify their outcomes and engages third party auditors to assure relevant data disclosures.

5. Advocate

As a leader in delivering operational carbon neutral certified buildings and upfront embodied carbon neutral developments, GPT will partner with certifying bodies to develop industry pathways, share learnings to support others in their climate response, drive supply chains to improve their emissions profiles and support tenants in their net zero aspirations.  Most importantly, GPT is leading by example and so its influence has greater impact due to demonstrating early and real action.

Further information

GPT's 2022 Environmental Sustainability Dashboard

Commitment Partner Initiatives

EP100 Cropped