Your lawyers since 1722

8 assets
112,900 m2 total floor area
66,000 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions
584 kgCO2e/m2 average Whole Life Carbon Footprint of projects

Recognising the uniqueness of the Western Australian landscape and community, Hesperia’s projects aim to achieve best practice in urban design and sustainability, delivering places of enduring value. Hesperia works towards solving the problems of our time so that future generations will have a better quality of life. Read more here.


Member of Australia Green Building Council

60 employees

Joined in 2021, Signatory of WLC Commitment

1. Commit

Commit to operate all buildings under Hesperia’s control as net-zero and to design all buildings to be capable of net zero operation by 2030. Maximise embodied carbon reductions throughout construction and offset residual emissions by 2030 with preference to projects that have positive co-benefits.

2. Disclose

Publicly disclose data through annual ESG reporting of quantifiable outcomes across the portfolio. Metrics include energy consumption, renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and metrics such as water consumption and waste streams. Report projects carbon footprints measured against an appropriate international standard such as EN 15978 and offset using projects that have positive co-benefits.

3. Act

Establish and implement a sustainability process for all projects. Ensure projects under direct control operate at net zero. Review all projects to optimise energy consumption and renewable energy systems. Research low carbon material options and collaborate with suppliers on low carbon concrete. Offsets are being procured for retirement. Target Life Cycle Net-zero for all future projects.

4. Verify

Verify performance through third party accreditation schemes and auditors. Achieve accreditation as Carbon Neutral Organisation in 2022 via the Federal Government’s scheme, Climate Active. Use a robust, transparent methodology to report on project embodied emissions.

5. Advocate

Continue to be an active member of the GBCA and of the Materials and Embodied Carbon Leaders Alliance (MECLA). Strengthen collaboration with academia and industry in creating programs that set standards, change policy, and can involve the WA community. Engage with the supply chain on carbon intensity.

Further information

Hesperia Sustainability performance reports