Your lawyers since 1722

10 assets
183,619 m2 total floor area
19,833 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions

KCCLP is the owner of the King’s Cross Estate, London – the 67-acre brownfield regeneration project is comprised of 2,000 homes, a University, two schools, a retail and dining destination and, the UK offices of major global organisations. KCCLP is committed to an approach to sustainability and regeneration that enables bold steps to be taken towards people and planet flourishing together.


Member of UK Green Building Council

Joined in 2021, Signatory of WLC Commitment

1. Commit

Commit all assets under KCCLP’s direct management to operate at net zero carbon energy, achieve maximum reduction of embodied carbon in new developments and major renovations and compensate for all residual operational and upfront embodied carbon emissions, by 2030.

2. Disclose

Measure and publicly disclose annual energy consumption and whole life embodied carbon emissions following the UKGBC ANZ operational energy reporting process for each building under direct control.

3. Act

Implement a decarbonisation strategy for all new and existing assets that includes energy demand reduction targets, ensuring the continued optimisation of buildings and supply zero carbon energy. Apply a reduction first approach to all new developments and major renovations to realise maximum embodied carbon emission reductions, and deliver projects to compensate for any residual operational and upfront embodied carbon emissions.

4. Verify

Verify energy consumption and whole life carbon emissions by an independent third-party following ISO 14064.

5. Advocate

Advocate for industry-wide transformation by developing a flagship sustainable regeneration project with ambition to be net zero and Paris Agreement aligned. KCCLP has taken action towards delivering a low carbon built environment through the delivery of multiple BREEAM Outstanding offices, owning the Estate’s District Energy Network and improving the energy efficiency of its assets. KCCLP will measure, reduce and compensate for all scope 3 and embodied emissions beyond the scope of the Commitment, alongside a commitment to offset all historic operational emissions via projects such as the creation of a new UK woodland.