Your lawyers since 1722

5 assets
2,145 m2 total floor area
38 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions

A building services engineering and sustainability consultancy. For over 50 years, Max Fordham LLP have engineered energy, air, light and sound to bring buildings to life. They have worked with leading architects on a diverse portfolio of award-winning beautifully engineered buildings that are exemplars of sustainable design. Find out more here.


Member of UK Green Building Council

238 employees

Joined in 2020, Signatory of WLC Commitment

1. Commit

Commit to retain net zero carbon status achieved in 2020 based on UKGBC’s Framework and continue to deliver Net Zero carbon buildings for our clients, including advising on embodied carbon.

2. Disclose

Continue to disclose the operational energy use of the business publicly via Max Fordham’s website and through the UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Framework verification process.

3. Act

Continue to reduce the carbon emissions of the business in accordance with the UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Framework, including reducing operational energy use, increasing renewable energy supply, addressing embodied carbon and offsetting any remaining residual upfront carbon if applicable. Reduce scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 46% by 2030 compared to a 2019 baseline year, offset any residual emissions, while annually reporting relevant scope 3 emissions.

4. Verify

Continue to verify the net zero status of assets against the UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Framework and have this process reviewed by an independent third party.

5. Advocate

Continue to advocate through encouraging all clients to target net zero carbon for their buildings and deliver net zero projects. Promote net zero carbon in the UK built environment sector by engaging stakeholders, supply chain and clients, including advising on embodied carbon. Publicly disclose scope 3 emissions via Max Fordham’s website.

Commitment Partner Initiatives