Your lawyers since 1722

3 assets
900 m2 total floor area
2.7 tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions

Petinelli are audacious, creative and persistent engineers, passionate and committed to bringing change to the way buildings are designed, constructed and operated. At the forefront of net zero energy buildings in Latin America, Petinelli start each and every day with the same mission “to do more and better with less” whether it be a public school or a municipal building.


Member of Brasil Green Building Council

80 employees

Joined in 2019

1. Commit

Committed to all offices operating at net zero energy and carbon by mid 2020.

2. Disclose

Disclose energy consumption and Scope 1 and 2 emissions through publication of certified performance data on company website.

3. Act

Energy efficiency measures daylighting and VRF heat pumps across the portfolio have resulted in over 50% energy use reduction. Implement on-site renewable energy generation to meet 100% of energy demand.

4. Verify

Headquarters in Curitiba currently certified to GBC Brasil’s Zero Energy and LEED Zero Energy. All offices currently LEED Platinum, to be certified to LEED Zero Energy or Carbon.

5. Advocate

Continue to engage clients, promote the business case for net zero and encourage market adoption through education, raising awareness and sharing performance and cost data where possible.