Your lawyers since 1722

8 assets
90,000 m2 total floor area
tCO2e annual portfolio carbon emissions (market-based emissions)

Ylva is the asset manager of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki and they play their part in tackling climate change. Their extensive work has made them a trailblazer in the field of climate sustainability in real estate, investment, and restaurant operations alike. Ylva’s goal is to contribute to the construction of an international, sustainable city of science and finance through their property and financial investments in the real estate, hotel and restaurant sector which have a total portfolio value of USD$500 million.


Member of Finland Green Building Council

30 employees

Joined in 2019, Signatory of WLC Commitment

1. Commit

Commit to realising net zero operational carbon portfolio by 2025, with ambitions to achieve this earlier. Continue to maximise embodied carbon reductions in new projects, looking to achieve net zero whole life carbon emissions for projects by 2030 at latest.

2. Disclose

Measure and publicly disclose annual energy consumption and whole life embodied carbon emissions.

3. Act

Implement a decarbonisation roadmap that outlines a reduction first approach, including securing 100% renewable energy and executing additional energy efficiency renovations in 2022-2025, based on advanced energy modelling, on top of extensive asset renovations completed in 2020. For projects, maximise the reduction of embodied carbon using carbon footprint modelling, low carbon design and materials choices, compensating for any residual upfront embodied carbon emissions.

4. Verify

Verify energy consumption and whole life carbon emissions annually by independent third party as part of project financing DD process.

5. Advocate

Advocate for wider industry transformation through actively engaging in the Finnish national scene, and through working with Green Building Council Finland. Ylva aims to accelerate industry-wide transformation through ambitious actions including disclosure of Scope 3 emissions, climate neutral spaces for tenants, and piloting of new technological, service and business model innovations.

Further information

YLVA Irresponsibility Report 2023
YLVA Decarbonisation Roadmap

Commitment Partner Initiatives

EP100 Cropped