Entity Details
This tab requires signatories to complete administrative questions on your entity and submitter details, other climate initiatives and marketing/communications preferences.
This tab requires signatories to enter updated portfolio figures, specify any changes in your portfolio, etc
Signatories are asked to classify their asset types (dwellings / tenant area / base or whole building) for us to understand the composition of their asset types in relation to the area in which they have direct control. We have added an asset type section for new developments or major renovations, to cater for the updated requirements of the Commitment. Please see the table below for further explanation of the categories, and note that signatories are not bound by these categories only, so please enter new rows below the categories in the form to provide the asset type that is most appropriate.
Individual dwelling |
- This category usually applies to residential assets. It may apply if signatories count their assets based on the number of residential units in a multi-family development.
Tenanted area in a multi-unit building |
- This category usually applies to office units (in a building) that companies rent. These tenanted office units are part of the building’s area but may not apply to developers who lease spaces in a single building, where their submitted energy consumption and related figures only cover may apply to signatories who have operational control over the whole building, including the whole.
Base building (single building) |
- This category may apply to stakeholders who lease spaces in a single building, where their submitted energy consumption and related figures only cover the common area of the building.
Base building (multiple buildings) |
- This category may apply to stakeholders who lease spaces in an asset that consists of multiple buildings. Their submitted energy consumption and related figures only cover the common area of the building.
Whole building (single building) |
- This category may apply to signatories who have operational control over the whole building, including the common area and tenant area (if any in the asset). Their submitted energy consumption and related figures should cover all areas of the single building.
Whole building (multiple buildings)
- This category may apply to signatories who have operational control over the asset, which consists of multiple buildings. Their submitted energy consumption and related figures should cover all areas of the asset.
This tab requires signatories to disclose the operational performance of their building portfolio and the latest upfront embodied carbon emission data of your assets (new developments or major renovations) completed in the reporting period specified.
For Scope 1 & 2 emissions figures: please fill in with only building operational energy-related emissions. Please exclude offsets in the figures, as the offset amount is to be reported separately in the “Offset” column
If this is your first year of reporting, we will consider your first year your ‘Disclosure’ year and take your current year data as the baseline moving forwards. If you wish to use a different baseline year, please discuss this with WorldGBC.
If you want to rebaseline or edit previous data, please reach out to the WorldGBC team to discuss this first. You can then fill in the Baseline column. It is imperative that you let us know that you have changed your baseline data when submitting the form back to us and we will update our records accordingly.
This tab requires signatories to show their decarbonisation roadmap, including the targets and milestones set and their progress towards achieving them via their implementation plan.
Please see examples in the reporting form already populated. Please delete the example text when filling in your own actions.
This tab requires signatories to report the third-party certification and/or verification they have undertaken.
If a signatory is classified as an SME under local or national definition, they can opt to verify via the SME self-assessment verification pathway. This self-declaration form is available to download in the reporting form.
- Please still return both the reporting form and the SME self-declaration form when submitting to WorldGBC.
- Please also be reminded that under the SME self-assessment verification pathway, SME signatories still have to carry out third-party verification once every 3 years.
This tab requires signatories to demonstrate how they go beyond the commitment’s immediate scope to influence their value chain to decarbonise. Signatories must categorise and explain their work with different value chain partners via the matrix table. Signatories are also welcome to include links to help further elaborate their advocacy actions.
Please ONLY fill in this tab, if you are an EP100 member. Check with us if you are not sure about your EP100 membership status.