Your lawyers since 1722

165 total signatories
~20k assets*
~7.2 million tonnes of CO2 emissions
accounted for*
~$400 billion annual turnover*

The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment is developed to recognise and promote advanced climate leadership action from businesses, organisations, cities and subnational governments in decarbonising the built environment, to inspire others to take similar action and remove barriers to implementation.

A bold approach is urgently required to reduce the impacts of the sector, which is globally responsible for 35% of energy consumption, 38% of energy related carbon emissions, 50% of resource consumption, and expected to double in total footprint by 2060.

The next decade of climate action is crucial. Join our growing community of signatories who are advancing net zero by taking action now to decarbonise our built environment.

The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment (the Commitment) recognises leadership action by businesses, organisations, cities and subnational governments in tackling operational and embodied carbon emissions from the building and construction sector.

This requires deep collaboration across the entire value chain, and radical transformation in the way buildings are designed, built, occupied and deconstructed. It requires new business models that promote circularity, re-use of buildings and materials, whole life cycle thinking, high performance operations, and ultimately a shift away from fossil fuels.

The Commitment considers the whole lifecycle impact of buildings and builds on WorldGBC’s Whole Life Carbon Vision and best practice principles for implementation.

The Commitment requires that by 2030:

  • Existing buildings reduce their energy consumption and eliminate emissions from energy and refrigerants removing fossil fuel use as fast as practicable (where applicable). Where necessary, compensate for residual emissions.
  • New developments and major renovations are built to be highly efficient, powered by renewables, with a maximum reduction in embodied carbon and compensation of all residual upfront emissions.

A reduction first, outcomes based approach to decarbonisation.

The Commitment promotes a reduction first, outcomes based approach — allowing the flexibility for signatories to develop a bespoke action plan for their specific portfolio profile based on best practice principles towards reducing both consumption and emissions, with annual reporting of verified progress towards decarbonisation goals.

Through gathering data to inform low carbon choices, relevant benchmarks and targets can be set, best practice methods incorporated, associated costs reduced, and greater uptake enabled — accelerating market transformation and leading to significant sector emissions reductions.

WorldGBC advocates for halving emissions of the building and construction sector by 2030 and the total decarbonisation of the sector by 2050. As we transition, we also recognise the value of offsets as a means to compensate for and neutralise the impacts of the sector, and to facilitate positive social and environmental impact in pursuit of overall net zero emissions.

In recognition of the link to improving energy productivity in buildings, the Commitment is recognised as a pathway to membership of EP100 for eligible businesses. Signatories must opt-in and there is a fee associated with membership.

Find out more on the Resources & Further Guidance page.


Why Whole Life Carbon?

In order to prevent and mitigate embodied emissions, increase resource efficiency and stimulate the development and market supply of low carbon products, the sector must (1) reduce and account for its impact on the environment and natural resources through design and construction, and (2) generate a strong and urgent demand signal to activate the necessary finance to decarbonise materials, construction and heavy industry processes.

As this is a global challenge requiring local solutions, the Commitment is outcomes focused and action based, allowing for creative and flexible solutions at asset and portfolio level based on best practice application.


Theory of Change: Advancing Net Zero

Advancing net zero emissions is a journey and an integral part of a wider systemic shift towards a more sustainable built environment. As part of the transition towards total sector decarbonisation, WorldGBC advocates for a holistic approach to sustainability that also enables tangible environmental and social co-benefits in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Signatories to the Commitment are advancing net zero by facilitating and accelerating market transformation. Their commitment represents a leadership position within the buildings and construction sector in taking action further and faster to decarbonise the built environment. Through this action, we seek to engender sector transformation that will allow mainstream actors to achieve the goals set out within WorldGBC’s Sustainable Buildings for Everyone, Everywhere strategy.

Click a circle to scroll through the stages

1 Commit 2 Disclose 3 Act 4 Verify 5 Advocate

Operational Carbon

Commit assets under direct control to reduce (and compensate where necessary) all operational carbon emissions by 2030


Embodied Carbon

Commit new developments and major renovations under direct control to reduce and compensate (for residual emissions) embodied carbon emissions by 2030

Operational Carbon

Disclose and assess annual asset and portfolio operational energy demand and carbon emissions


Embodied Carbon

Disclose whole life carbon emissions according to EN 15978 or other accepted national standard

Operational Carbon

Act to achieve maximum emission reductions with key actions and milestones towards energy efficiency and renewable energy


Embodied Carbon

Act to achieve maximum emission reductions in upfront, in-use and end-of-life embodied carbon

Operational Carbon

Verify enhanced energy performance, reduced carbon emissions and progress towards net zero carbon assets and portfolio


Embodied Carbon

Verify prevention strategies, WLCA calculations, offsets and progress towards net zero embodied carbon assets and portfolio

Operational Carbon + Embodied Carbon

Advocate for wider emissions reduction by acting as a catalyst through core organisation activities for further action within respective supply chains

Actions to maximise the reduction of operational carbon emissions as part of a decarbonisation strategy must be demonstrated based on the following principles:

1 Reduce and optimise energy demand 2 Generate balance from renewables 3 Compensate for residual emissions 4 Plan for deep decarbonisation

Reduce and optimise energy demand —
prioritise consumption reduction and energy efficiency to ensure that buildings are performing as efficiently as possible, and not wasting energy.

Generate balance from renewables
supply remaining demand from renewable energy sources, either on-site or off-site.

Compensate for residual emissions —
offset residual operational emissions, such as from refrigerants or the use of unavoidable fossil fuels in buildings with high quality, credible compensation activities.

Plan for deep decarbonisation —
set up action plans to remove any remaining sources of fossil fuels in buildings as soon as possible.

Actions to maximise the reduction of embodied carbon emissions as part of a decarbonisation strategy must be demonstrated based on the following principles:

1 Prevent 2 Reduce and optimise 3 Plan for the future 4 Compensate for residual emissions

avoid embodied carbon from the outset by considering alternative strategies to deliver the desired function (i.e. renovation of existing buildings rather than new development etc).

Reduce and optimise —
evaluate each design choice in terms of the upfront carbon reductions and as part of a whole lifecycle approach (i.e. lean construction, low carbon materials and construction processes etc).

Plan for the future —
take steps to avoid future embodied carbon during and at end of life (i.e. maximise potential for renovation, future adaptation, circularity etc.)

Compensate for residual emissions —
offset residual embodied carbon emissions with high quality, credible compensation activities.

Commitment Signatories

Click below to find out more about each signatory and read their Commitment Profile outlining what actions and policies they are pursuing.

Active Super

ADP Consulting


Africa Logistics Properties (ALP)

Altis Industrial Fund 1


Armstrong Fluid Technology

Arthaland Corporation



Atelier Ten

Avara Amplus

Avison Young UK

B+H Architects

BAM Construct UK Ltd

Bennetts Associates

Berkeley Group

Bioconstrucción y Energía Alternativa



Breathe Architecture

British Land

Brunswick Property Partners



Buro Happold


Cbus Property

Centurion Corporation Ltd

Charter Hall

City Developments Limited



Commonwealth Bank of Australia



Currie & Brown (UK and Europe)


Deutsche Bank


EVORA Global

FORE Partnership

Frasers Property Australia

GI Quo Vadis Inc

Goldman Sachs


Grainger PLC

Greengage Environmental Limited




Hibernia Real Estate Group Limited

Hilson Moran

Hoare Lea

Hudson Pacific Properties

ICD Brookfield

Instituição Adventista Sul Brasileira de Educação

Integral Group







King’s Cross Central Limited Partner


Kojamo Plc

LähiTapiola Kiinteistövarainhoito

Lamington Group


Lloyds Banking Group


Maffeis Engineering

Majid Al Futtaim

Make Architects

Mandatum AM Finland Properties II

Max Fordham

Monash University


Natural Resources Defense Council

NatWest Group Plc



Nexii Building Solutions Inc.

Nightingale Housing

One Click LCA

OP Real Estate Asset Management




Precinct Properties

Premico Residential Fund III

QIC Active Retail Property Fund

QIC Australia Core Plus Fund

QIC Office Fund (QQF)

QIC Town Centre Fund (QTCF) & QIC Property Fund (QPF)

Redevco B.V.

Rest Direct Property Holding Trust

Robert Bird Group

Salesforce, Inc.

Savills (UK) Limited


Schneider Electric

Shaw Contract


Siemens AG


Skidmore Owings & Merrill


Stockland Retirement Living and Logistics

Surbana Jurong

Sydney Opera House

Tandem Property Asset Management LLP


The Crown Estate

The GPT Group

THREE Consultoria Medioambiental

Tritax Big Box

Tritax EuroBox

Troup Bywaters + Anders LLP

TYLin Group


Varming Consulting Engineers

Walsh – Structural and Civil Engineers

Watkins Payne


Willmott Dixon



Further information

Interested in becoming a signatory to the Commitment? Submit your details to get in touch

"*" indicates required fields

Global Project Partners


Delivery Partners

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*The number of assets, portfolio carbon emission and annual turnover accounted for are based on the submission of signatories’ joining forms.